
SKP Technology Center
SKP Technology Centre headed by Dr. Senthilkumar., Director (T&P), is started in the year 2005, to enable the students learn the latest technologies in their relevant disciplines both technical and non-technical apart from what they study in the university syllabus. The main objective of the Centre is to strengthen and enhance the capabilities of the students and faculty in the latest technological and non-technological developments and industrial requirement in the field of Engineering and research activities.
The Training for the students are carefully designed and executed to perfection through the Technology Centre. Students are fine-tuned in every stage of their study in the college. The First year students are given orientation programme and Communication Skills in English. When they move on to the second year they are given C, C++ and Data Structure, since the same is the requisite of any company the programme is made compulsory for all. The third years are given the specialized technical training programme coupled with the non-technical training – Soft skills and Aptitude. Further grilling is done on both technical and non-technical arena for the final year students so as to enable them get through the interviews.
First Year Orientation Programme
To initiate the students into college life and to motivate them S.K.P. Technology centre conducts orientation programme every year for all the first year students for 3 days at the college premises. This workshop covers a variety of topics like Coping with College Life, Personality Development, Time Management, Group Dynamics, Effective Decision Making, Presentation Skills, Creativity, Goal Setting, Career Orientation and Professionalism. Eminent personalities from all over India are invited for the aforesaid to make the students confident and gain leadership skills. A crash session on how to increase self-confidence is also conducted.
Second Year Value Added Programme
SKP Technology Centre has signed an MOU with NIIT –Chennai for conducting C, C++ courses for the second year students in order to strengthen their programming capability for their future values.
Third Year Value Added Programme
S.K.P. Technology Centre has signed MOU with HP, Chennai for conducting Java, J2EE, VLSI Programmes so as to improve the technical skills of the students as per their domain. Another MOU is signed with Fragrhen Academy for the placement oriented skills training for the final year and the third year students. Through this training the students are enabled to equip themselves in areas like Problem Solving, Test of Reasoning, Interpretation, Language and Soft Skills, Communication Skills, Group Discussion, Resume Writing, Interview Skills and the like. Students are evaluated stage by stage and their progress is evaluated on a term basis. Apart from the soft skill coaching various companies question papers like TCS, CTS, INFOSYS, HEXAWARE and other MNC are discussed with the students.
Final Year Value Added Programme
SKP Technology centre has signed an MOU with IBM, Bangalore for Conducting IBM Main Frame and with CISCO for CCNA Training in Net Working for the students of CSE and IT. Another MOU is signed with HP, Chennai for conducting Embedded Systems for ECE and EEE. MOU with National Instruments, Bangalore is signed for conducting CLAD Course for Mechanical Engineering department. The centre has signed yet another MOU with ACCENT E, Chennai for conduction Telelogic Training for Electronics and Computer Science Engineering Departments.
An MOU with HCL INFOSYSTEM, Chennai has been signed too for Conducting Hardware training for Information Technology Department.
Yet another MOU is signed with Fragrhen Academy to whet the personality and to enhance the employability skills of the students. Hence at the end of the final year, students are made place-worthy than we placing them in different industry.
Technology Centre apart from conducting training programmes to the students conducts many programmes for the enhancement of the professional skills of the faculty team. To name a few – “Instructional Design and Delivery System” is conducted for the faculty by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research.
The topics covered are:
- Teaching Learning Process
- Adolescent Characteristics
- Instructional Objectives
- Instructional Planning and Methods
- Student Motivation
- Basics of Evaluation
- Modern Methods of Delivery in Engg. & Tech.
- ICT in Education and Training
- Stimulated Teaching
- Many other programmes like the aforesaid are conducted as per the trend and necessity of the faculty and time.